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Native American Insurance OKC

Many people believe that buying Health Insurance is similar to purchasing other types of Native American Insurance OKC insurance, such as auto, renters, or homeowners’ insurance. They think that when the time comes along that they want or suddenly need coverage, they can just call up their local health insurance agent, get a quote, and purchase what they like at any given time. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

If there is one piece of advice we would stress above all others, here at Derby Insurance Solutions, it is this:  Don’t wait until you are in desperate need of healthcare to get qualified health insurance! Don’t put it off—sign up for coverage as soon as you can! There have been many, many times that clients have called us in the middle of a medical emergency—often from the hospital, and even once or twice while riding in the ambulance!—asking us to help them get health insurance to start “right away.” In almost every one of those situations, it is too late and there is nothing available to help them get the care they need—or help pay for it.

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, new rules were put in place to govern the Health Insurance Industry. One of the most significant changes was that Americans are only able to sign up for Native American Insurance OKC coverage during Open Enrollment, which runs from November 1 through December 15 each calendar year. This means that if you want qualified health insurance to cover both your normal doctor visits and medications, checkups and urgent care visits, and also be available to meet your needs in an unexpected medical emergency, you will want to make sure you sign up during that time. Derby Insurance Solutions is always available to help, the highest rated and most reviewed Native American Insurance Oklahoma City agency.

However, it is certainly true that life doesn’t always work out the way we think it will, and the government did make provisions for unexpected changes that might occur throughout the rest of the year. These are called SEPs or “Special Enrollment Periods” and when they apply, they allow consumers to enroll in qualified coverage at other times during the calendar year.

So, what qualifies you for a Special Enrollment Period? First—and probably the most significant—is the loss of qualified coverage. For example, if you left or changed jobs and lost your group coverage through your former employer; moved to a new state and lost existing coverage; recently lost Medicaid (Soonercare) because your income increased and you no longer qualify; or you elected COBRA and your eighteen-month period for COBRA coverage has ended—you have 60 days from the loss of your qualified Native American Insurance OKC coverage to sign up for a new plan. However, it is important to be aware that this does not apply if you lost coverage because you failed to make payments on your existing plan and it terminated for non-payment. It also does not apply if your previous coverage was not qualified, which would include medical bill sharing co-ops or similar plans.

Other events that create a Special Enrollment Period are the birth of a baby, adoption of a child, or getting married. There are other contingencies that may restrict your ability to enroll, such as the possible availability of “affordable and qualified coverage” through your employer. But these life events can create a window of opportunity that will allow you to enroll within 60 days of these events occurring if you do not have access to qualified and affordable coverage. And that can literally be the difference between coverage or no coverage, and therefore potentially life and death, for you or a loved one.

There are also some Special Enrollment Periods that are available and apply year-round for Native American Insurance Oklahoma City. In 2023, the federal government put in place a low-income SEP. This could potentially change in the future, but for the time being, if your household income is less than 150% of the Federal Poverty Level for your household size, you can enroll in health coverage at any time during the calendar year. This can be very helpful for low-income families who earn too much to qualify for Soonercare and might not have been aware that there are affordable Native American Insurance OKC plans available for them.

Also, a very important year-round Special Enrollment Period is available for Native Americans. As part of the special provisions offered to Native Americans in the Affordable Care Act, anyone who is a registered member of a federally recognized tribe can sign up for coverage during any month of the year. Again, there are other Native American Insurance OKC questions that have to be addressed to determine whether coverage is possible, but if a Native American meets the other necessary qualifying factors, they can get health insurance starting any month of the year. This is helpful for many reasons, because another significant benefit for Native Americans is the “cost sharing reductions” offered to them through the Affordable Care Act, which provide amazing benefit levels assigned to their chosen plans. This is undeniably the best Native American Insurance Oklahoma City available.

Native American benefits often include coverage levels that are simply amazing. Depending on income level, many Native Americans can choose any qualified plan available to them and receive a zero deductible and zero out-of-pocket maximum. This can literally save these individuals tens of thousands of dollars each year for their medical needs—because all of their medical care in the network they choose, including prescriptions and chiropractic care—is provided at no cost. Derby Insurance Solutions is the highest rated, most reviewed Health Insurance agency in Oklahoma in large part because of their service to Native American Insurance Oklahoma City, and we can help you determine whether you qualify for this coverage.

For those Native American clients with higher income levels, there are still some significant benefits available for Native American Insurance OKC, which include the opportunity to use Indian Health Services for medical referrals to in-network providers. Depending on your chosen company and network, this could potentially include places like the Mayo Clinic or MD Anderson—and all services and care provided with a referral are covered at no cost. Again, this could potentially save your family tens of thousands of dollars every single year.

If you have lost coverage recently or have had any significant changes in your circumstances, or have a lower household income—please call Derby Insurance Solutions for Native American Insurance Oklahoma City and we will be happy to help you get the qualified coverage you deserve.