820 N Sycamore Ave, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Contact Us 918-451-9783

Native American Health Insurance Benefits – Nothing Beats This Coverage

Every single day at Derby Insurance Solutions we receive dozens of calls requesting help and information about “Native American benefits” or Native American Insurance Tulsa. While there are many health benefits and special programs available to help the Native American community, particularly through IHS (Indian Health Services) and other federal programs, there is one type of coverage that is so amazing, many people don’t believe that it’s real. We understand why our clients feel this way, for the benefits that are offered really do seem to be too good to be true.

However, the excitement and word about this fantastic program is starting to spread and there is no doubt about it—this is the real deal! Through a special provision of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, or what is more commonly known as “Obamacare,” Native Americans who qualify are offered cost reductions for whatever healthcare plan they choose, through any federally approved Oklahoma health insurance company.

What does this mean? In a nutshell, any qualifying Native American can receive the most incredible insurance coverage levels available anywhere—or Native American Insurance Tulsa—with all necessary medical care provided through their network of choice (including Blue Cross Blue Shield and Community Care)—at no cost to them.

Why is this a big deal? As an example, most current Bronze plans through the Marketplace offer a $6000 Deductible and a $9450 Out-of-Pocket Maximum per person. That means that the patient must pay the first $6000 in expenses for their medical care (except for preventive care services, such as an annual physical or a mammogram, for example, which is provided to the insured at no cost to them by law under the Affordable Care Act), and then they get some help paying for their medical expenses from the insurance company until they meet the Out-of-Pocket Maximum, or the “real number” as we like to call it. So potentially, a typical, non-Native client would need to pay their premium every month and then could possibly have to pay an additional $9450 each year for their medical care.

However, for our Native clients who meet specific qualifying criteria—they can have the same plan and same network and same covered services with the same low premium, but they receive a $0 (ZERO dollar) Deductible and a $0 (ZERO dollar) Out-of-Pocket Maximum. This means that depending on their income, those who qualify for Native American Insurance can receive all their medical care for no cost. Having a baby and you have Native American benefits? ZERO dollars! Need a surgery like a knee replacement or a hysterectomy? ZERO dollars! Have an unexpected emergency and need to be hospitalized? ZERO dollars! Battling cancer and you need ongoing treatment? ZERO dollars!

On top of that—many of our clients receive this coverage at no monthly cost to them! That is because all Americans within a certain income range often qualify for enough Advance Premium Tax Credit to cover the entire premium cost for many of the least expensive Bronze plans—and that is all our Native American Insurance clients need! There is absolutely no benefit to our Native American Insurance Tulsa clients paying higher monthly premium payments for a more expensive Silver or Gold plan because Native American Insurance benefits always change the Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Maximum numbers to ZERO.
Now, if you are Native American and your income is a little higher than the minimum to qualify, you may have a premium payment. That is because all American, whether Native or not, receive the same amount of Premium Advance Tax Credit depending on the calculation of household income, age, and where they live. There is also a maximum income level that our Native American Insurance Tulsa clients have to be below to receive these ZERO dollar benefits. The higher the household income, the more your premium payment will be. But if you fall within the “window of opportunity”—above the minimum household income and below the maximum household income limit—then all health care services provided to you will be ZERO dollars!

Now, you may be thinking, HOW do I get this coverage?!

Fortunately, Derby Insurance Solutions is the best place to get help. We have helped thousands of Native American Insurance clients receive their benefits and we can help you with a quick 5-minute phone conversation to see if you qualify.


A few very important details about this program:

1. This Native American Insurance Tulsa “ZERO dollar” coverage is only available through the specific health insurance company’s network that you choose. There are currently different HMO and PPO options available in the State of Oklahoma, with both local and nationwide networks available, for different premium costs. Our experienced agents can help you determine which insurance company and network is best for you.

2. If you or your spouse are offered “affordable” health coverage through work, you won’t qualify for a tax credit or these Native American Insurance benefits. But those “affordability” numbers change every year, and the cost for your entire family may very well be above the line, which could qualify some family members for these benefits. Give us a call and our agents will be happy to check and see whether your income versus cost of coverage through work meets the federal definition of “affordable.”

3. In order to receive these Native American Insurance Tulsa benefits, you MUST have a CDIB or membership card from a Federally Recognized Tribe. Your specific tribe does not have to be located in the State of Oklahoma, but you will be required to provide copies of your membership documents to the Marketplace in order to receive your ZERO Deductible and ZERO Out-of-Pocket Maximum. Our office will help you upload, submit, and monitor your documentation to make sure it is accepted and that no additional proof is required.

4. These Native American Insurance benefits are not provided by or associated with any particular tribe. They are provided by the Federal Government in compliance with the Affordable Care Act of 2010.

5. Some Native American clients who qualify for Native American Benefits may have a monthly premium to receive these health insurance coverage benefits, if their Advance Premium Tax Credit is lower than the cost of their insurance, depending on household income and plan choice.

Would you like to learn more and see if you qualify? Please call the highest rated and most reviewed Health Insurance Agency in Oklahoma—Derby Insurance Solutions—at 918-451-9783.